Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Holy Crap!

The Powers That Be posted a note in each of the bathrooms in corporate asking people to please adhere to personal hygiene expectations. ARE YOU KIDDING? Am I the only one who is embarrassed that a message had to be posted at all? We are all adults, working in a corporate/professional atmosphere, yet we have to be threatened with Human Resources Repercussions if we are caught being less than cleanly. Now I am not saying that the note was not necessary, because sadly it was. I work on the third floor and go down to the first floor to use the ladies room. Granted, I originally began this practice for the exercise and chance to get away from my desk, but now it's a necessity for my physical well-being. Like I told my co-worker, the 3rd floor ladies room consistently smells like someone ate roadkill for lunch and then was kind enough to excrete it and the foul odors associated in the bathroom. It's un-freakin-believable. No one's "shit" smells like roses, but DAMN! The third floor lavatory is far from perfect, as I found a floater today on my last trip in there...eww, but still, it's far better than suffering through the third floor! One day I walked in there out of utter emergency (would not have made the trip downstairs) and was nearly blasted back out by the odor, letting out an unconscious "holy shit, what a stench!"..not realizing the potential culprit was still occupying one of the stalls. Oopsie. Oh well, I don't care, watch what you eat for goodness sake!

1 comment:

gennifer6 said...

Heh...we had someone put mustard in the dollar-taker of our vending machine so now everybody has to use change, and they sent out on email about not defacing company property. ;)