Friday, January 04, 2008

The World's a Mess

Work has been pretty damn slow lately, which despite threats from corporate, has given me time to puruse the internet in search of interesting news stories. What are the most prominent stories out there? Sadly...Britney Spears is right on top after a fiasco last night. The elections in Iowa, though I do not see their importance in this election, seemed to have topped the charts. A teenagr was mauled by a tiger and is now being hailed a hero, despite evidence he and his friends were taunting the animal. Bombs are going off all over Turkey and Pakistan, but those stories have taken a back-burner. Worst of all, HUNDREDS of people are dying in Kenya and I have yet to hear it mentioned on the television news. I heard about Britney first thing this morning, I heard about the idiotic results of the Iowa Caucus and I heard how cold it would be when I got outside...but nothing of the murders in Kenya.

This country is a mess. We would rather read about the foolishness of celebrities than have an ounce of concern for innocent people in other countries. We are pissing and moaning about gas prices, yet we do nothing about it. I read an article on about the fact that the raise in oil prices is a blessing in disguise because it will force us to look at alternate fuels. The trouble with that logic is that Americans are too slow to change. We are too lazy to do the research, we are too busy in our own small lives to work as a whole and change our future for the better. Other countries have already gotten on the bandwagon of alternative fuels, but it was hard work and we can not possibly stop reading about Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohen long enough to make our concerns known by more than just some meaningless bitching to our friends/co-workers/neighbors.

The more I watch the news and the more I read online, the more discouraged I am about the state of our Nation. I can not speak for other countries, as I do not know what happens there, but I hope they are different. The spoiled, self-centered behavior of our country is depressing. Yes, I am one of them. I bitch about gas prices, I read about Britney and Lindsey and I do not vote, so should shut my mouth about the elections....That does not mean I am proud of it.

1 comment:

gennifer6 said...

It sucks that we have it that way here, but if it's any consolation, the rest of the world is paying attention to what's going on in Kenya. The UN is about to step in, and Bill Clinton learned his lesson the first time in Rwanda so he's all over it too (when he's not campaigning for his wife).

I swear to ya most of it is pure apathy. Most Americans don't believe that there's anything they can do about it, so they just don't do anything at all. Because change only occurs in a democracy by strength in numbers of population, nothing changes if there's no active population.

We're like the 5thgraders of the world who get notes ent home from the teacher that we are just "not applying ourselves." haha