Monday, December 31, 2007

A Contented New Year

It's the end of 2007. Looking back, I can not believe how much has changed in my life. Some good things, some bad things. I am glad it is over, time to look forward and grow with the changes which have come about. If someone had told me what would have taken place, I certainly would not have put money on it, but it is ok..I made it.

I now have a lot to do. I need to get going with the work on the Kennel. Carol is working on the permits, but we need a name, we need a plan and I need to figure out how much I need to earn each week in order to make ends meet. I know it will be tight at first, but I always succeed somehow. My Guy wants me to get a new car. He hates the Matrix and is right, it is terrible in the the point of dangerous and probably wasn't a smart purchase at the time. I needed to research it more, but no point to looking at the "woulda/coulda/shouldas". The trouble is, money is really tight, I still have not come back from the money I spent keeping Vaquita alive and this past Christmas put me back more than it should have. Money I was hoping for is not coming, I have accepted that. I just need to be a bit more careful and thrifty.

My damn computer has decided to act up again. Last year I lost everything when my hard drive crashed. I was pissed, I lost a lot of important pictures and files. I can not believe it is happening again, after I bought a pretty damn good drive. There must be something wrong with a component of this computer that causes this problem, so I am done with it. I have backed up my important files and once it goes on me again, I will gladly trash it and buy something new. My Mom is willing to loan me the money to buy a good gaming computer, as I am still silly enough to play my online computer game, so I can't just buy anything. I also have some friends who will help me choose the right machine, as I whole-heartedly admit to knowing nothing of gaming systems. As much as I live on computers for the majority of my day, I really HATE them most of the time. :-)

As for First Night, I am not sure what is up. I was hoping for a quiet dinner with my Guy, like we had last year, but we might be heading to his brother's house for a little shindig. We'll see what happens. I am sure he will be bummed out because it did not snow at all last night, so there's a good $5000 of expected money that will not be coming in this storm. Ah well, I have a feeling there will be plenty of snow for him to play in and squeeze cash out of.

1 comment:

gennifer6 said...

hey there!

what a great New Year! All this stuff you'll get to spend money on. Actually, you won't even actually be spending it, it's gonna go whether you like it or not. ;( Hopefully you won't need to sacrifice too much for too long, you'll owe yourself a break here pretty soon!
hang in there