Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where's My Camera??

In a recent post by DAD GONE MAD, one of my favorite bloggers, Danny mentioned something that he was once told about work. Do what you love and the money will follow. I that true? I would like it to be and a part of me does believe that if I stop working at jobs that "pay the bills" and do what I love (and I am best at), I will be able to make a good living off of my passions.

I asked a friend of mine today what she would do for work if she could make good money doing something she loves. She shocked me by saying she did not know. When I asked myself that question, at least part of the answer came so quickly to me. I would work with dogs. My recent dealings with my own family of dogs has renewed my love for their company and my desire to understand them better. I think I lost that part of myself when I lost Kayla.

All of my passions in life have always been over-shadowed by my love for animals. I am a music fanatic, always believing I would have done well in the music industry. I need music daily...I need to sing, I need to tap to the beat, I need to dance (if only in my chair at work). Music is a huge part of my life. Nature itself is a necessity to me. Whatever I am doing, I am happiest if I can do it outside. Photography is also something I have always wished I had more talent in. I love looking at photographs taken by others, I love seeing a potentially fabulous shot (if only I could remember to bring my camera with me once in awhile). Honestly, I am not a great photographer. I am probably not even a good photographer, but that does not stop me from enjoying every aspect of it (except having my own picure taken...but that's another issue.)

Is it possible to roll some of these things into a career? Dogs, Nature and photography? Since I was a small child, I have dreamed of being a photographer for National Geographic Magazine...speciaizing in wolves. Yes, I know that dream most likely will not occur in this lifetime..maybe the next.

I have decided that I need to bring my camera with me more often. I want to capture the unbelievable sunrises I am privy too first thing in the morning as I drive to work. I want to show others the herd of deer I see all the time in Great Cedar Swamp so early in the morning. If I had my camera the day I had to stop to allow a Mother Duck and her FIFTEEN Ducklings pass, I would have proof that she actually had that many babies at once. It was amazing! I am not saying taking my rather archaic little digital camera around and getting mediocre shots of the daily sightings I find wonderous will be any sort of money making scheme, but it will give me some record of the miracles of the day, rather than always remembering the stresses. These "miracles" will give me hope and inspiration...two things that can only lead to greatness.

1 comment:

Ryann said...

Hey girl!

the workshop hasn't happened yet. It's in two weeks, on June 14.

You should come!!