Thursday, February 15, 2007


I haven't posted in a bit, so I figured I should update my blog. Not much new on the homefront. Kayla seems to be responding well to her new meds, and is loving all the food I give her, especially the two fried eggs each morning. My sister is still driving my Mother and I nuts, and I am TRYING to let it go.

Valentine's Day was different, yet nice. I actually had two days. "The Brat" (my new nickname for him) didn't think we would see each other last night, so we exchanged gifts Tuesday night and had a nice dinner. I did end up seeing him last night though, we grabbed some dinner and I helped him late into the night work on sanding. I got to drive the new big truck. I am not liking the big plow on the front, but still nice to be driving a truck again. As crazy as it seems, I enjoyed the work and it was just nice to spend time with someone who truly appreciates my presence. Plus, I learned a lot, and I love learning, no matter what the subject. We were up late though, so now I am exhausted and can not wait to go to bed tonight.

I have been stressed at work and need a way out. Sadly, thoughts of this place have plagued me to the point of no sleep for the past two weeks. I need to make that change. The constant upset is affecting my relationship and my work performance. I am tired of the bullshit, time to get my butt in gear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Watch the sunrise, if you get the chance.

Everybody goes through something like this.

You´ll be fine, I´m sure:)