Saturday, February 10, 2007

Too Early

Six am on a Saturday morning, too early for me to be awake, especially after the exhausting week I have had. Although I did have my alarm set for 6, I have been up for almost a half hour. Kayla was hungry. I will not complain, I am lucky to still have her to feed. She is doing well, the new meds seem to be helping. She is not able to do much though, simply eat and sleep. Oh wait...that was all she wanted to do before we found out she has cancer.

There is a lot of cancer showing up lately. One of my coworkers has prostate cancer. A friend's husband has rectal cancer. Kelley Tuthill, a really great reporter for Channel 5 News out of Boston, has breast cancer. She shares her terrifying story with everyone via a video diary, including her family's thoughts and all the procedures she must endure. I can't watch it, as I begin to cry each time. I hate cancer, it has taken too many of those we love. Why do we spend so much money making weapons and fighting wars, when our greatest enemy lurks around, randomly choosing whomever it wants for another victim?

It's been a long week. Work is beginning to take its toll and it is definitely time to move on. I should have started getting ready for my business long ago, but my procrastination will make me have to suffer longer at the hands of my Employer. I will get out of there though, as I can not see myself making it through the summer.

This weekend should be fun. This morning/early afternoon I am going snow-tubing with some friends. Well, I am joining them on the venture, but I am not so sure I will go whipping down the side of a mountain on a tube, I need to protect my back. It has not been long since my last set-back and I do not need to be laid up another two weeks. Those who helped me out with all my chores certainly would not be happy with me. I also have a birthday party to attend this evening. We are heading to a rather different type of restaurant and I will be meeting a lot of new people. It will be great to see my friends.

I wish I could shake this cold before all the fun today. I have had a lingering sore throat and stuffy nose for over a week. It's amazing what the kiss of a sick 2yr old can do. I was so hoping after that month-long bout of sickness I had around Christmas, I would be all set for the season.....Not so lucky. Ah well, at least this time I can breath...most of the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Empty yourself and let the universe fill you.