Sunday, July 01, 2007

So It Begins

My vacation has begun. I have the next week off from work...YAHOOOOO! Normally when I take an entire week, rather than a couple days here and there, I am going away somewhere. This year, I am sticking around. My Honey has the week off as well and he has J-Bird for the week, so the three of us are going to have some fun together. Friday night we went to dinner with J's Aunt and Uncle and their 1yr old son. What a cutie! We had a great dinner, then came back to S's house and he made us margaritas. They were WAY too good. J-bird went to bed before our guests arrived, but the baby was up and wandering around the whole time. What energy! He really wanted to get his tiny hands on one of the "adult beverages", so the first half hour was spent trying to distract him from the fun glasses with pretty straws sticking out. Finally he did give up, and decided it would be more fun to trash J's train set. Ah well, Daddy will fix it. :-)

Yesterday I kidnapped my pal "Daisy" and we headed to a funky bead store in Scituate. I needed to find something to which to glue my "Mexican fire agate" and make a necklace. After searching the store for about an hour, I finally asked and the piece I needed was in behind the counter...of course. The girl glued my stone on for me and I now have a very pretty necklace. I felt bad dragging my friend on such a silly venture, but she was a good sport and it was great to have company on one of my crazy adventures.

My Honey and I went to see Ron White last night at the Cape Cod Melody tent. It was a good time. We left late because he had problems with the new machine he uses for work, but we got to the show in plenty of time and enjoyed some good laughs, both by the opening act (who's name I can't remember, but he was great) and Mr. White. There were a few bozos in the crowd, making obnoxious comments, but Ron handled it perfectly and the show went very well. I can't believe how much scotch that man can drink and still get through a show. I would have been passed out on the stage!

Two cookouts today! Yikes, I am not good with having too many social engagements, but I guess it has to be done. First, S and I are going to a birthday cookout at his friend's for their 7year old son. We will stay there a couple hours and then head to my Aunt's cookout. S has never met my extended family, so I hope it goes well. I am hoping J won't be too tired, there will be plenty of kids with whom she can play and a giant inground pool for swimming. I am definitely bringing my bathing suit! I am craving a good swim. Hopefully this week we can take S's boat out and have some fun in the water.

So, I have plenty to do this week...riding lessons, visiting friends I never see anymore and getting my brain waves organized again. Wish me luck. It's been stressful lately, time for rejuvenation.

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