Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Mixed Reviews

I took a four day weekend this past weekend. I have a week of vacation left to use and want to use it before the job transfer. I, of course, had all sorts of plans for the weekend, but didn't get half of them done. I can't say the weekend was great, nor can I say it was bad. What makes me truly angry is one event is marring my entire weekend, all because of one lie. I hate being lied to, especially by someone I am supposed to be able to trust. It was unnecessary and disrespectful, but what else is new these days. I officially give up trying to keep everyone happy. I am lucky to have my Guy in my life. If it weren't for him, I think I would have packed up and left town by now.

Anyway, forget the bad shit. I did have fun this weekend. Friday night a group of us headed to Rhode Island for the Lipazzaner Stallions Show. It was a good time, amazing horses, amazing riders. I am not sure the men were very impressed, but eh..the women had fun. The most fun the men had occurred when one of the riders was almost tossed, after one of the Andalusian Stallions let out a powerful Capriole. To see a Capriole from the ground, check out this link. http://www.lipizzaner.com/Capriole.asp. Now picture a rider attempting to stay seated...unbelievable. He did stay on, but galloped out of the arena hanging off the side of this beautiful horse.

Saturday night I laughed harder than I have in a long time!! I went to dinner with a few friends at a local restaurant and had an amazing time. There are numerous pictures illustrating our antics, but none I will be posting. I haven't even shown them to my Guy yet....I wimped out! There was a Blues Band playing that night, so we danced, drank (too much) and ate (again...too much). I was in tears at least five times throughout the night. It was way too much fun, and we are planning to go back when that band returns. A little drunken debauchery once is awhile is ok, right?

Sunday was much more tame. We took J-bird apple/pumpkin picking with another family. We certainly did not need more apples, as we haven't eaten the ones from our last excursion. We did get 4 great pumpkins to be carved/decorated this coming weekend. We then went to dinner at my Guy's Dad's house. I like his Dad, nice guy and of course amusing sarcastic, like his two sons. J-bird and I just could not keep up with her Daddy at soccer. He never lets us win..the bully. J and I did laugh though, we love Our Guy!

Yesterday I spent money I do not have. I had to get some new clothes, as I have nothing to wear to the new job. I can wear whatever I want at my current office, but going to corporate means "business casual" wear, and I did not have any. I hate shopping, but I did get a few things that will get me by for the moment. My current boss refuses to confirm when I will be leaving, but my 30 days is up on the 26th, so replacement or not, I am out of here then. I requested the 25th and 26th off, we'll see if it is approved. I am having some people to dinner on the 26th, and knowing me and my cooking skills, I am definitely going to need the day to prepare.

Well, back to work. I have plenty to do...Wish me luck.

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