Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Needing a Lounge Chair, a Margarita and an Empty Beach!

I love my Guy, but he's a real pain in my ass! I have the gifts, I have the card, I will have the cake...but damned if I can't think of where to take him to dinner. Will he help? Nope, "surprise me" he says. Thanks a lot Babe! Italian is out and I don't want to go to one of our normal hangouts. I have been asking around for advice, but I am not sure. I guess I will just wait, maybe he will have a "hankering" for something in particular. Men!

The Speckled Wonder is in rare form these days. In the past three days, she has painted her crate and herself with shit, crapped twice on the kitchen floor and ensighted a riot in which the two ADULT labs decided to shit on the floor as well and then play in it. After spending 20 mins cleaning up dog shit, and having Jade run away two days in a row, I was ready to call American Airlines and get all three of them one-way tickets to Puerto Rico. Vaquita can be the tour guide. Damn dogs. Last night Vaquita decided to bark from 1am to 4am, when I finally got up and let her out. This dog was sent to me for a help me to gain extreme patience. Even Saints have murderous thoughts sometimes though! No...I would never hurt her...but she is pushing my nerves.

I can not believe Christmas is coming! Money is pretty damn tight these days. I am not quite sure where it all went. Well, I suppose the tires for my car, hay for the horses, winter shoes for the horse, all adds up. I need to figure out how to pinch the pennies in some aspects, and allow myself to get some gifts for my loved ones. It's not going to be easy...though, is it ever? Maybe someone will give me a week long vacation on a tropical island for Christmas.....Well, a girl has to dream, doesn't she?

1 comment:

gennifer6 said...

Wow...sorry to hear about your shitty problems. I'm sure it's hard to not want to just kick her in the ass, the only reason you don't is because you love her. I hope she's getting somewhat better with your man. How funny that she's the oly one that comes to you when you call her. Gotta love those labs. ;)