Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Minutes

My time off has sure been interesting so far. Saturday we went to the most unbelievable wedding EVER. I could not get out of there soon enough. I love the bride, but her family is nuts! Sunday I rememberd how nice a bike ride down the Cape Cod Canal to the beach can be, and how much the ride back (against the wind) totally sucks! Oh well, good exercise. I am sick, I would do it every day if I could.

It seems I have a lot to do on my vacation. I have to learn all I can about Apple Computers so I can help a friend find the right one for her photo work. I know NOTHING about Apple. I am lucky I got my damn IPOD working properly. I have a bunch of appointments with doctors, both for me and the dogs. Most important of all, I have quite a few friends I need to catch up with soon. I caught myself thinking today, "it's already almost Tuesday!" How aweful is that?? I am thinking my vacation is close to over and it's only just begun. Oye, I must smack myself.

I realized something recently, totally unrelated to my time-off, but nevertheless worth mentioning. I learned that forgiveness is more about forgiving oneself for the wrongs done, than for forgiving the wrong-doer. Now that thought has nothing to do with serious crimes against someone, but I mean personal relationships, where some malice has come about. For so long I thought I had to find a way to forgive some of those who have hurt me in the past, yet in reality I need to forgive myself for allowing those actions to occur. I saw the negative, I knew it should not happen, yet I allowed it into my life. Human Nature? I am still working on forgiving me for past mistakes, but like I say of those who have not always seemed to be doing what I saw as right, they (and me) were doing the best they could at the time. Very difficult concept to accept....but time will tell and relief will come.

1 comment:

gennifer6 said...

Glad to hear you had a wonderful time at the wedding.
And I'm also glad to hear you're practicing a bit of self-preservation. Forgiveness is a tough concept togo along with but time does heal a lot of wounds and peace of mind cannot be underestimated. ;)