Saturday, December 09, 2006

Back again.

I haven't written in awhile. It's not that my mind isn't reeling with thoughts..of course. I just have been trying very hard to think more positively in hopes that more positive things will come my way. I watched a movie called "The Secret" and it talks about the Law of Attraction. We are what we think. What we think about and seemingly want most, the Universe will cause to come our way. I find myself constantly thinking about what I do not want. I need to concentrate on what I DO want.

I want to get something done for Christmas! I have NOTHING done. I was going to get a tree last night, but have been sick with the flu, so the last thing I thought would help would be goofing off in the 20F night air. Instead, I made Mom some dinner and relaxed at home. I do not have too many people for whom I must find gifts, but even so, most of them will be late because I am the Queen of Procrastination.

Today should be interesting. I am up a bit earlier because I have a lot to do. CV and I are going to the movies to see "Happy Feet" and we are being accompanied by a friend of hers and his daughter. Going to the movies with a 4 year old...we shall see what that is like.

The weather has been fluxuating intensely lately, and so have my moods. Being sick is never helpful and work has been crazy busy. I had one day off for jury duty last week, was too sick to concentrate the next day, and couldn't get out of bed to go to work on Thursday. Yesterday it took all my will not to slam one of our Foreman to the ground, as he purposefully attempted to annoy the hell out of me. I can't tell if he just is an obnoxious piece of shit or he is flirting with me. Honestly, I don't care..."go home to your poor wife, you dick". Why can't people just leave me alone and let me work? More than once, some people have commented on how I just stay in my office all day. Pardon, but I am working for a living. What are you doing??

Anyway, there I go thinking of what I don't want again. I have to begin concentrating on starting a new life. The holidays will pass, hopefully my Uncle will get out of the hospital and everything will be great. Someday, I hope when people ask me how I am, and I say "great"...I will believe it.


ducki said...

It's the thought that counts at the holidays. Don't let it stress you out. Hang in there and keep up the good attitude. You are due for some great things to happen in your life. =)

Anonymous said...

The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are.
Thomas Dreier- Author