Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I have a few at the moment.

Complaint #1: My computer prompted me to download and install Internet Explorer 7.0, which has seemed to overtake my web browser and made everything freaky. I am now afraid to remove it, for fear of losing my Internet Explorer all together. Goddam computers!

Complaint #2: My mother asked me to go to the store and get some beer and wine for tomorrow. Why my lazy brother and moronic sister could not bring their own is beyond me, but that's another 5000 word blog for another day. I purchased what she requested....but did I hear "thank you so much". No, I heard complaints about how much it cost and was rudely questioned on the lime I had sitting on top of the Corona box. "I have never seen your brother drink a beer with lime in it. Oh great, now he won't drink it." If that dumb fuck doesn't want Corona because of a lime, then he needs to shove his head up his ass and get out of my house.

Complaint #3: Rain tomorrow. I planned on a rather lengthy trail ride with my horse to avoid the family. Now I will have to simply hide out in the rain. Pneumonia is preferable to those fools.

There are more, believe me, but I have to take a shower and head back out to walk a friend's dogs. I think I hear my bed calling to me.....I can't wait to answer.

1 comment:

ducki said...

Hang in there girl! It can only get better.