Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Slow Day Should Be A Snow Day

Why am I here? There is no work because of the holiday, half my office is off and yet here I sit...wondering how I will spend the next 6 hours. I need to go to the store for Thanksgiving supplies, I need to get gas in my car, I have horses to feed, I don't have time to sit and wonder. I am also in serious need of a coffee. I was a tad bit (ok twenty minutes) late this morning, so I could not stop for gas or coffee. Due to my tardiness, I also got the "pleasure" of seeing all the carnivorous dopes standing in line at the live turkey farm this morning, waiting for it to open, so they could choose the live bird which would be butchered, plucked and disemboweled for dinner tomorrow.

What didn't I need this morning? How about the call from my boss, which began with him asking my name (as I didn't know it was him at first). It bugs him that I do not answer the phone stating my name along with the company name. I am sorry, but the people that call here don't give a shit who I am and if they do, they can politely ask who I am....though I will say it annoys me when they do. "None of your damn business, what do you want?" Don't get me wrong, I am extremely polite to all the morons that call here asking stupid questions or who ramble on for five minutes telling me why they want to talk to one of the specialists. Meanwhile, all I want is your name, phone number and company name...otherwise, shut up and pray someone actually returns your call. There are also those fun calls from vendors who have been waiting six months for our company to send them a payment of $800 or so. We don't pay them, customers don't pay us. It's a vicious, corporate circle. I do feel badly for the small companies that rely on each and every payment to come in a timely manner, but there is not much I can do. I give them the number for corporate and wish them luck. "Oh My, we have not paid an invoice from a year ago? That is crazy....I am sure they will be able to help you out in our corporate office." What a goddam liar! Corporate will just tell them to call back here...another vicious circle.

To top off this utterly wasted day, the only station my crap-ass radio can get clearly is only playing Christmas Music today. "Feliz Navidad"...blah blah blah. Are you kidding me? We haven't even gotten Thanksgiving over and done with and you want to wish me a Merry Christmas? Stuff it! (No turkey pun intended.)

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