Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Great Idea!

I started this morning off right! I decided yesterday that I would change my routine and give myself some exercise, along with time alone to relax. How can I do this with my schedule? I am now riding my back to S' house at night after my barn work, and then home in the morning. I go to see him each night, as we are both quite busy during the day and in the early evenings, it works out well to end the day with each other. I treasure having someone with whom I can fall asleep and wake up to each morning. I figured the ride from my house to his would take about a half hour...totally miscalculated. It only took me 15mins! It felt great early this morning to ride my bike through the quiet streets, watching the sun rise and the mist dry up over the large fields. The near silence of the morning is extremely relaxing and a perfect way to start my day. I feel great.

1 comment:

Melina said...

Good for you, keep up the good work. I wish I could exercise more but I hate it, I find it very boring.