Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Quote/Realization of the Day

I like this one. "Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric." - Bertrand Russell

I have always believed that being referred to as eccentric was a compliment. Why always think and act in the same ways as the majority. Variety is the spice of life, eh?

On another note......I was not feeling great about life or myself this morning. I am tired and feel like I am constantly rushing around, never leaving time to stop and enjoy a moment. As I do everything with haste, I think of how I would like to just stop, drop what I am doing and enjoy the warm breeze, or watch the sun go down. This rushing through life has not placed me in a good frame of mind and it needs to stop. I am left angry and frazzled....and on the verge of tears. Normally, by this time of year, I have gone on some sort of vacation, going to a place where rushing around to get things done is unnecessary. I could use such a vacation now, but due to monetary constraints and most especially Kayla's illness, I need to stick close to home. I am, however, going to slow down. The tornado which I have become in my mind has damaged my relationship with my horse, we have lost our connection and need to get it back before one of us gets seriously hurt. She has a mysterious injury on her leg, to which I must tend. Until she is 100% healed, we will spend out time getting to know each other again.

Life is not worth living if we constantly miss the special moments with those with love, always grasping for the future ahead. The present is now, it is here to be explored. The future is always there, no need to run to it, it is not going anywhere.

1 comment:

Ryann said...

hey babe just wanted to say hey and I hope you're doing okay. Thanks for the comment today. You took the words right out of my mouth.
