Friday, January 05, 2007

Idle Hands Erupt

Another boring afternoon at work. Billing close is over, work is slow and I am dying to get out of here!!! So, I decided to screw around with my blog. Notice..Title change. What the hell does "Bandwagon Lanyard" mean, you ask? Well, I am determined to stay on the positive bandwagon for 2007, no more self-doubt and negative bullshit. But, knowing me, I will slip. Therefore, a lanyard (for those who have no clue) is a strap used with a safety harness, which will symbolically let me flop off the ole bandwagon, yet still dangle and be able to climb right back on, hopefully without hitting the ground at full force. This blog will be my lanyard, helping to keep my on board, while letting me toss around the ideas that plague or rejuvinate me. I know, odd...but that's me.

So, as I don't have anything important to say, I figured I would mention something that struck me funny last night. I was watching tv with a friend and as I am practically falling asleep, an info-mercial for Sexually transmitted diseases comes on the television. All I could think was, "great thought to fall asleep with floating in my head." Well, immediately following that piece of late night information, a commercial for a jewelry store and specifically Valentine's Day comes on. Who does that? Do the people who plan the schedules even think about the order in which the advertisements fall? Did they do that on purpose? Sick sense of humor perhaps? I don't know, just found it odd....amusing, yet odd. Commercial #1: Abstinance is never know if your partner might not be aware of a "condition". Commercial #2: Love it up and spend big money on each other, sure way to get laid. Hmm, now that I think about it, I would have had the Valentine's commercial before the STD info-ad....hard to grasp the thought of Valentine's day after hearing the gory details of "outbreaks" and such. Just a thought.....

1 comment:

ducki said...

Maybe they are hoping that people watching the late night TV aren't thinking that much. hehe