Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I have a question. Is it possible to judge something about someone, like that person's actions or maybe choice of apparel, without judging the person him/herself? I think so. I may not like something one does or may think one is dressed in a ridiculous outfit, but I do not form an opinion from that one thing about the individual. I think when I say something about someone, others think I am judgemental. I have learned over time, that people are far too complex to judge on one aspect alone. Many would think I am nuts for something I might say or do, but see me in another situation and not come to the same conclusion.

I do not think I am judgemental. I think I have opinions, which readily change if more substantial evidence is brought to my attention. Maybe the question should really be....Is having an opinion about something make one judgemental? So many people have formed opinions about me in the past, just from one aspect of myself they did observed, but they lost out on knowing the rest. I find myself either adhering to their opinions and showing that person just that side of me, or not allowing them to know anything of me at all. Am I judging them to be unworthy? Maybe, but I think I should have the choice on who knows me and who does not.

If I wear a low cut shirt and tight jeans out to a bar, am I a slut? No. If I comment that a woman is wearing "a totally slutty" outfit, am I calling her a slut? No, just find her choice of apparel amusing and wonder what she might be looking for. It seems that with one statement, anyone in earshot who disagrees with me assumes I am judging the woman. I am not. I think that people who know me, would either know what I mean, or take the time to ask. Maybe I am wrong...I do that a lot too.

1 comment:

ducki said...

People tend to get nervous around opinionated women. I guess it makes them wonder about your opinion of themself. You have a good heart though.